Enjoy the cake and the festivities (with a little help from two of our grandchildren).
Wow, it’s been a year since we started this conversation, and so much has happened.
First of all, I envisioned this as a place for women to come to talk over their joys and concerns. How sexist of me! Thank goodness, men have joined us, adding their voices to the discussion.
So, little by little, we’ve evolved into, into, into … what? When I finally decide what this blog is all about, I'll let you know.
Almost 3,000 people came to this site during the past year, from every continent, from every corner of the globe. The Birds blog has been mentioned in at least one news story (well, I wrote it!). We’re blogrolled by some of the best in the business, included in three directories, and reffed by at least 10 other blogs. Who knows where this will lead?
Over the past year, we’ve talked about relationships, families, things we love and things we hate. We’ve looked at what it means to be a survivor in a dangerous world.
You and I have had a few laughs and shed a few tears together. Last fall, we recalled some of the most memorable events of our lives, including the assassination of a president, and the end of 20 years of Cold War, with the fall of the Berlin Wall.
I’ve told a few stories about amazing people I’ve met, and some great music I’ve heard. Life is full of joy, so we’ve shared some of its best moments. You came to my birthday, and we all went to Obama’s inauguration together.
A number of us have talked a great deal about some big issues, especially health care reform.
I’ve handed out a bit of advice (since no one else will listen to me!), including these evergreens:
Enjoy yourself
Be mindful
Be proud of who you are
Not surprisingly, Birds has evolved. It’s moved from being a text-based scroll to a multimedia publication. What’s next, Facebook? Twitter? Could be. Let me know how you feel about those platforms.
All in all, it’s been a great year. Thank you, readers, for keeping me on my toes. Thanks for you suggestions and complaints. Most of all, thank you for all you’ve contributed to this little community of readers and thinkers and doers.
En avant! Here's to another year of Birds on a Wire Blog!