Apparently, Friday was a very slow news day.
This, from the front page of Saturday's Recorder (Greenfield MA):
Heroic Goldfish Heads Home
BUCKLAND -- The little goldfish that could is back home and safely swimming with his tank mate.
'Poopsie,' the 3-inch goldfish who took a swim through Buckland's sewer system earlier this week, was reunited with his family on Wednesday.
Wastewater treatment plant operator Alan Nichols and Chief Operator Daniel Fleuriel have seen many dead goldfish come through the plant, because so many pet fish are given 'flushing funerals' after they die. But a live goldfish coming through the sewage, twitching against a screen that filters larger objects, was a shock to both, said Board of Selectmen Chairman Stefan Racz.
Sherry Clark, town administrator and administrative assistant to the Board of Selectmen, named the rescued fish 'Poopsie.'
'That was for obvious reasons,' she said with a giggle.
Clark said when Fleuriel told employees at Town Hall what had happened, they thought, 'Wow, this is Buckland's fish!'
'Everyone is very, very happy that Poopsie was reunited with his family,' said Clark. 'And the family was delighted.'