Today, when I drove to the local shopping center at noon, I found a portion of the parking lot was set aside for an antique auto show. I was hypnotized. Each car was more beautiful than the previous one. Then I saw a car that was not glamorous or highly buffed and polished. Yet you could tell it was loved and that the passersby could not resist inspecting it.
It was a 1972 Citroen Camionette, or what the British called a truckette. 12' long and 5' wide, it still showed the name and contact information of its former owner on the side of the truck: La Campagnarde, Service de Livraison, 43 R. Clignancourt, 01-46-06-72-42.
A Silver Spring resident who had lived in France for 20 years and returned in the 1980s brought the Citroen back with her. Today, she uses it to ferry herself and her garden supplies to do volunteer gardening in Rock Creek Park. It is reported to get 40 mpg in the city.
Eat your heart out, engineers!