It’s time to do a little explainer on navigating this site.
First, let’s look at the various pages available at
Notice the line of page names, just below the sunflower banner:
Blog Readers’ Pages Offwire About Birdfood Contact
Click on them, and here’s where you’ll go:
Blog: You’ll be sent to this page -- the blog -- a continuous, scrolling page, with posts listed in reverse chronological order.
Readers’ Pages: This contains some of the comments people have left in various spots on the blog. I separated them out and put them on their own page so readers won’t miss seeing them. I haven’t put all comments up, but will, eventually. The date listed with each comment is the date I reposted it, not the original date.
Offwire: This page contains the mission statement for this blog. You might want to read it before you read the posts, if you haven’t already done so. Offwire may answer some of your questions.
About: Here’s a sketchy profile of the blogmistress. Since she (I) wrote it, don’t expect anything objective.
Birdfood: You’ll find some fun things here: a daily crossword puzzle from the New York Times and links to some interesting or useful sites. Feel free to add to the treasure by sending along some of your own.
Contact: If you don’t already have my email address, you can use this one. Comments are welcome, and mail will be answered.
(Click Read More to continue reading this post)
I post comments or whatever it is I want to share with you, and try to do that at least once a week. Sometimes I save up several ideas and post them all at once. It’s very time consuming, but well worth the effort to meet such interesting readers.
When that post goes up, it adds to the long scroll of posts already on the site.
You can scroll down the page to read earlier posts. At the bottom of the page, look for the word Previous on the left, single click, and you’ll be taken back to the page posted before that one. You can go back to Day One that way, or you can see all the posts for any given month by clicking on that month listed in the right-hand column, under Archives.
Each post is linked by keywords to an index. The index, called Posts, is also in the right-hand column. Click on the keyword Relationships, for example, and you’ll go directly to all the posts tied to that keyword, including comments posted by readers.
When you look at a post, you’ll see the word Comments in the upper right corner:
Grandma, wired 2 Comments
Click on Comments, and you’ll get to read what others have said about the post. You can also leave your own comments. Please don’t leave last names. I require an email address, but promise not to post or share it. It’s simply a way to screen out spammers and robots.
Any questions?