Here are a few comments from a review in today's New York Times:
One Injury, 10 Countries: A Journey in Health Care
September 14, 2009
With all due respect to the seminar room, the boardroom, the hearing room and the Oval Office, a better vantage point than any of them for evaluating and redesigning our health care system is the hospital room (window bed, please).
The chair next to the bed isn’t bad, either.
Some of us perch on one or the other almost every day, observing the tangled mess that is our current system and mentally designing a dozen better alternatives. But for those who wind up in bed or a chair only when tragedy strikes, T. R. Reid’s new book provides an excellent substitute perspective
A person’s last days can be spent in any number of ways. But on the phone pleading with an insurer, that’s only in America.
For the entire review, see